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I truly believe that my staff and I have lived and breathed this every single working day by using impeccable service standards. We work hard to make your visits to my four departments a pleasant experience and to make sure you get whatever service and information you were seeking. 

I would like to highlight and share some of these accomplishments with you on this page. Listed below are some recent news articles related to new initiatives, as well as brief descriptions for some of the programs that I am very proud of instituting for our community. 

In 2013, the Cayuga County Clerks Office became one of the first Clerks Offices in NYS to accept electronic land records - known as E-Recording. Since then we continue to offer this safe & convenient option to our customers. Photo shows two staff members doing the first e-recordings in NYS.

Sue Dwyer, (bottom row near sign) President of the Cayuga County Women's Republican Club, at the 2014 Annual Fall Candidates Lunch. Women for Katko photo-helping Congressman John Katko win his first race