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Veteran's Discount Program

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Veteran's Discount Program, 'RETURN THE FAVOR'

In 2009 I initiated a Veterans discount program called "Return The Favor". Cayuga County was only the third County in NY State to implement such a program. On Saturday, March 7, 2015, veterans can register for this program at the Fingerlakes Mall. Click here for more information about how to register.

I partnered with our County's Veterans Office, The Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce and the Auburn Business Improvement District to ensure the information reached the veterans and the local merchants. 

This is a win-win for Cayuga County--our Veterans get discounts at more than 100 local businesses and merchants get business from our Veterans. 

This program allows business owners a unique opportunity to give a well-deserved thanks to our Veterans! Veterans can find the list of participating merchants by going to the Cayuga County Clerks website:

OR call the office for more information about this program at (315) 253-1271.