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About Sue


Cayuga County Clerk Sue Dwyer

Sue Dwyer is the Cayuga County Clerk and is running for her 4th term. She is a lifelong resident of Auburn, NY. She is married to Jim Buschman, has 3 grown children, and 4 grandchildren.

She began her first term as Cayuga County Clerk in 2004.

Her efforts go hand in hand with what has been, and continues to be, the mission of the County Clerk’s Office: To provide Excellent and Efficient Customer Service to every single person who walks into the County Clerks Office.

Prior to becoming the first (and only) woman in Cayuga County to hold a county-wide elected office, she oversaw Congressman Sherwood Boehlert’s and Congressman Jim Walsh’s Auburn District Offices. Ms. Dwyer also worked as Secretary to City of Auburn Mayor Guy Cosentino.

She earned her Business Administration degree at Cayuga Community College while raising three children. Her past careers included running her own baking business, and being a partner in a wholesale antique and estate appraisal business.

While working for several Congressmen, she was trained in many Federal Program areas including, but not limited to Immigration & Naturalization, the U. S. Department of State, the Social Security Administration, Medicare, and the Veterans Administration.

Ms. Dwyer oversees 28 staff in four county departments: the Clerks Recording Office, the Records Retention Center, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and the Cayuga County Historian’s Office.

Sue has brought the County Clerks Office into the 21st century. Updates to office functions include:

*Customers now have the option to electronically record (e-record) land records. This saves paper, and postage costs, and is convenient for submitters.

*Public access of online Land Records

*The Cayuga County Clerk web site includes downloadable forms for all of her departments.

*Passport cameras provide a one-stop shop for U.S. Passport applicants.

*Department of Motor Vehicles has the Q-Matic (deli) system for quicker and more efficient customer service.

In 2009, Dwyer initiated the “Return The Favor” Veterans Discount Program in Cayuga County in 2009. There are now more than 150 local businesses that offer discounts to our Veterans.

In 2013, Sue worked with the local SCORE Chapter to bring free small business counseling right into the County Clerks Office once a month. When people come into to file their Business Certificate (DBA’s) they now have the benefit of getting advice from experienced business people in our community.

Dwyer brings services to her customers by regularly traveling throughout Cayuga County. She holds Passport and Veterans Discount Card Days at schools, town halls, businesses, and at the local mall.  

Ms. Dwyer is an active member of the New York State Association of County Clerks and served as their State Treasurer for 4 years, sits on the DMV Committee, and is Vice Chair of Best Practices/Operations Committee. Having sat on the Legislative Committee, she is continuously in touch with our State Representatives to lobby for legislation that positively affects not only County Clerks, but also the County Bar Association, Land Title groups, and other frequent users of her office. 

Sue is the recipient of the Catholic Charities Works of Love Award (2003), the Phyllis Goldman Women of Achievement Award (2002) and the ACC/CCC Alumni Association Award (1997). She was extremely honored to serve on Congressman Boehlert’s and Congressman Hanna’s Military Academy Boards, and was just named to serve on Congressman John Katko’s Military Academy Board, and his Transition Team.

Sue’s passions are her family and friends. She is a fierce advocate for use of local foods, businesses, and services. She enjoys activities at the Auburn YMCA, and loves to cook, dance, and read. She has sat (and sits on) the boards of many local not-for profit agencies. She is a 25 year member and past president of the Cayuga County Women’s Republican Club, and a longtime Republican committee person.