Bringing services TO you
Bringing services TO you: County Clerk Goes on the Road
I continuously travel to different sites, bringing services to my constituents. I visit town and village clerks, schools, businesses, and the mall to promote passports and other services.
Recent Passport Day at the Mall. This year's date is Saturday, March 7 at the Finger Lakes Mall, from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM.
I've increased our passport application business by creating a comprehensive marketing plan, making it not only more convenient for people to get their passports in our county, but increasing our revenue for the county as well.
The U. S. Dept. of State audits our passport application process from beginning to end, and our office received an A++ , which is the highest grade I could receive! Wow! it was so great for our whole office to hear what a great job we do here with the passport application process.