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Department of Motor Vehicles Improvements

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The Department of Motor Vehicles has seen many improvements.

Our DMV revenues are up 15%. 

I partnered with our local newspaper to create ads to market our DMV services. Our ads feature local folks touting our great customer service and they encourage the use of our Auburn office to help keep tax dollars local. 

We held an Organ Donor Drive for the entire month of April. I partnered with the National Kidney Foundation and the NY Alliance for Donation group and did a kickoff at the Auburn Office which included their Sidney the Kidney mascot and we made created our own Happy the Heart mascot.(Our staff wore this homemade costume). 

We were able to get hundreds of people signed up to be organ donors. These new donors have the potential to help thousands of families by saving the lives of their loved ones who are desperately waiting for organs.

We also involved the staff in fun competitions to see how many customers they could get to sign up and at the end of the month they earned prizes. 

This was so successful that the NY Alliance group used our ideas at their statewide meeting in New York City in February and I've decided to make this an annual event in our DMV every April. 

We are a full service office. We offer Enhanced Driver's Licenses, we process enforcement issues, duplicate titles, registrations, and offer all other DMV services with a personal touch to help simplify what could otherwise be a frustrating experience. Additionally, DMV forms are now available online.

We've worked hard to make our office a pleasant and user friendly place to visit. The office has a new coat of paint, and a television. (I pay for the cablevision myself). We created a Success By 6 children’s book corner with donated books from the Owasco/Fleming Kiwanis. 

DMV Supervisor, Shereen Androsko, and I continually educate people of the importance of keeping their hard-earned money in Cayuga County by encouraging people to use our local DMV, explaining that when they use our office, either by mail or in person, Cayuga County retains 12.7% of every transaction processed. Sending renewals to Utica by mail means that Cayuga County gets nothing! It is important to me that people understand this, and it is a goal of mine to get this word out.

In 2004, the staff won the State Commissioner’s Award for excellent customer service, and New York State DMV Commissioner visited our office to personally deliver the award to every staff person.